From below Talent Matrix, we can categorize that employees who have high potential but low in performance are placed in “Problem Employee” area. In many organization, usually there are employees categorized in this area.

Emotional problems can degrade the performance of employees and at the end affect to organization. Emotional problems could be caused by disorientation, distraction, disappointment, despair, defeat, & dead. They will make employees feel depression, stress, low self esteem, bad relationship, addiction, anxiety, etc.

In many cases the problem employees will increase burden to their Superiors/ Managers & also their team.


To support Managers in handling their problematic employees & also help employee reaching better career path, we provide Career & Counseling service.

The process of career & counseling can be delivered both by regular visit or case by case. By regular visit our expert will standby in your office at certain agreed time. It is the simplest way for organization to have a counseling service.